Evidence Supports Controversial Claim Of Humans In The Americas Thousands Of Years Ago

A Mastodon skeleton suggested to be thousands of years old was discovered in the United States, which shows traces of human processing. The discovery challenges previous theories about America’s settlement, suggesting that humans may have reached the continent thousands of years earlier than previously believed by scientists.

The bones show fractures and tool marks that can only be created by targeted processing with sharp tools. This suggests that early humans not only lived in the region, but also mastered advanced hunting techniques and were able to kill large animals like Mastodons.

This discovery could significantly change the timeline of human migration. Some scientists challenges the assumption that humans only came to America via the Bering Land Bridge about 15,000 years ago, and suggests that early humans were far more adaptable and survivable than previously thought.

The discovery site also provides insight into the technological and social abilities of these early people and opens new research questions about their ways of life, knowledge and cultural practices.