When your ‘Heart is in the Right Place’
Everyone wants to be a hero, that’s just a fact. If we see something that needs our help, it’s only natural to want to jump right in. Animals in particular are a soft spot for most people: if an animal is in danger & needs to be rescued, we’ll step in.
One woman tried to do this with a baby hedgehog. The woman explained to staff at Lower Moss Wood Nature Reserve & Wildlife Hospital that she had been doting on a ‘baby hedgehog’ she’d found on the pavement.
She explained that she had been looking after the motionless creature ‘all night’ – even set it up in cosy surroundings by placing the mammal in a box lined with newspaper next to a small bowl of pet food.
When it failed to make any progress, she brought it to the animal hospital to get it checked out. Upon closer inspection, Janet Kotze, the hospital’s manager, couldn’t believe what she was seeing’ as the shocking discovery was that the prickly patient was, in fact, a fluffy bobble from a woolly hat.
She then told the woman the news, who exclaimed ‘you’re joking!’ before leaving the animal hospital – taking the hat bobble with her. Janet said that the lady’s heart was ‘in the right place’, but she’s unlikely to make the same mistake again.