Have you ever seen a ship do a ‘flip’?

The research vessel RV Flip is the only vessel in the world capable of shifting from horizontal to vertical position in the middle of the ocean. Flip is not a small ship, it is about 108 meters long and weighs 700 tons.

Engineers designed it to be able to move to a vertical position with 90′ degrees straight, so that the front of the ship at the top is 17 meters high (i.e. a 5-storey building high) while at the bottom is submerged 91 meters long, i.e. that most of the ship is submerged underwater.

Which helps the ship’s stability and resistance to waves, the transformation process takes about 30 minutes, in which the seawater is pumped into huge tanks in the back of the ship, which makes it sink into the water to become the ship in a vertical position, and this ship is considered one of the most important ships in the field of scientific research of seas and oceans.