Two massive black mambas captured and relocated

VERULAM – Two Black Mambas measuring 3 meters and 2.5 meters were captured on two different properties over the past weekend.

On Friday afternoon, Reaction Unit South Africa received a call for assistance after the highly venomous snake was discovered in the ceiling of a home in Mhlasini. The house was occupied by a 60-year-old man and his granddaughter. Reaction Officer Nathi Ndaba responded to the call and captured the 3 meter Black Mamba.

On Sunday, Officer Ndaba responded to another property on Azad Lane in Temple Valley after a resident discovered a snake in an unused dog kennel in the yard. On arrival, the Officer removed fire wood that was being stored in the kennel before he captured the 2.5 metre reptile.

Both snakes were relocated away safely from the homes. A big thank you to ‘snake catcher’ officer Nathi Ndaba for the professional and fearless work!