Suspects attacks complainant and Reaction officer
VERULAM – A member of the public was threatened with arrest by the Police if he pursued criminal charges against a burglary suspect in Missionlands on Friday afternoon. Members of Reaction Unit South Africa (RUSA) were called out to a break-in in progress at a business premises on Mission Road in Missionlands at 14:06. On arrival, a Reaction Officer witnessed the burglary suspect bludgeoning a man with a a piece of concrete. The RUSA Officer intervened and attempted to restrain the suspect while the victim lay unconscious on the ground a few meters away. A scuffle ensued and the Officer was repeatedly attacked by the violent perpetrator. The Reaction Officer eventually handcuffed the suspect and called for back-up & Paramedics to assist the unconscious complainant. As back-up Officers arrived on scene,the suspect broke the handcuffs and attempted to flee. He was tackled to the ground and restrained for a second time. The Verulam SAPS were summoned to the scene and on arrival requested that RUSA Officers release the suspect. Police threatened the complainant with arrest if he pursued the matter due to the suspect sustaining injuries. The complainant was also injured in the attack and items stolen from the business premises were recovered in the burglar’s possession. Reaction Officers and the complainant refused & insisted that a criminal case be registered. The suspect was eventually detained. The suspect was later linked via CCTV footage to two other housebreakings in adjoining residential areas. The Reaction Officer, Complainant & suspect suffered extensive facial & bodily injuries.