Some of the most impressive trees in the world
• Baobab Tree (aka Bottle Tree, Upside-down tree) is one of the most iconic trees in South Africa. Not only does this unique tree provide vitamin C to those who feed on its fruit, but it is also known as the tree of life – it can store up to 4,500 litres of water in its trunk.
• Sausage Tree – the sausage-shaped fruit makes the tree immediately distinguishable. The dangling fruit can grow up to 60cm long.
• Mopane Tree (aka Butterfly Tree, Turpentine Tree) – Butterfly-shaped leaves make the deciduous mopane seem magical in Autumn.
•Quiver Tree (aka Kokerboom) is the largest known aloe species. It is unusual in its class as it can reach heights of up to 7m, very unlike a typical succulent.
• Marula Tree – the fruit is a firm favourite of the creatures that live near this South African tree (that can grow up to 18m tall!). Bright, juicy yellow fruit sustain insects, birds and animals.
• Spekboom Tree (aka Pork Bush, Elephant Bush, Dwarf Jade) might seem like an unassuming succulent plant, but in reality, it is a tree with medicinal properties, rich nectar and a delicious tangy flavour perfect for salads.
• Yellowwood Tree can grow to more than 30m tall. The towering canopy provides a vibrant feeding ground for birds and insects. Real yellowwoods are a protected species and also South Africa’s national tree.