Madibeng Mayor leads local accelerated service delivery
LETHLABILE – This past Friday, the Executive Mayor of Madibeng led the local Thuntsha Lerole, which is an accelerated service delivery program initiated by the Acting Premier of the North West Province, Dumile Nono Maloyi. Premier Maloyi launched Thunstha Lerole in Madibeng last week Friday. This ongoing program is aimed at addressing service delivery shortfalls through concentrated and intensive efforts by all departments.
The Thuntsha Lerole program focused on Letlhabile, where the following activities took place:
• Energizing of high mast lights
• Installation of split meters
• Fixing of water leaks
• Fixing of potholes in internal roads
• Grass cutting, tree felling and de-bushing
• Clearing dump sites and litter picking throughout the township
• Identification of unfinished RDP houses
• Identification of illegal buildings and illegal business
• Issuing of fines of non-compliant retail businesses and liquor outlets
• Confiscation of expired and counterfeit products from businesses
• Registration of indigents
• Registration of split meters
• Front end services brought to the people in Letlhabile Community Hall
These and other activities were carried out today, with the Executive Mayor actively participating in rendering some of the services.