R10 000 reward for information leading to successful arrest of robbery suspects
MARIKANA – On 30 June 2023, Secure Guarding supervisors was hijacked on site at one of their major clients mines by five (5) armed suspects armed with hand guns while dropping of and collecting employees. One supervisor suffered a dislocated knee cap and one guard got stabbed in the face with a gwala when they tried to fight off the robbers but was told if they futher resist everyone will be shot and killed.
The suspects then locked all remaining security staff in a steel container nearby and proceeded to grind open another steel container and loaded various stolen items on our security vehicle and left the site forcing one of our other supervsiors under gun point while being held hostage to drive them off site to a sucluded location in the bushes were they offloaded the equipment and told the supervisor to drive away before they shoot him.
Secure Guarding control room and general manager realized something was not right when the vehicle started moving out of its original area into the bushes away from the mine. Reaction officers mobilized immediately and activated the car tracker and rushed to the last know location of the vehicle. The vehicle was recovered close by at an informal settlement about eight (
kilometers away with one supervisor badly shaken and emotional about the ordeal, with the vehicle.

Reaction officers of Secure Guarding met up with Bethanie SAPS and Mooinooi SAPS crime prevention and proceeded to the site were they managed to rescue staff from various containers were they were locked up after being ambushed and held hostage at gun point while the vehicle were being hijacked.
Secure Guarding would like to thank the following people:
1. Christo and crew CARTRACK
2. CPU Mooinooi Saps
3. Bethanie Saps CSC members
4. Hennie ER 24 Rustenburg
5. Rustenburg Saps forensics
6. Maj. General Mosimanigape
7. NW Provincial Saps Commissioner
8. Scorpion Security Centurion
9. Bethanie saps Cluster Commander
10. Rustenburg Saps LCRC
11. Cobra NCIS National
We as Secure Guarding in collaboration with Saps will not leave any stone unturned till we get these criminals as they have now seriously overstepped their ground by hi jacking a security vehicle and thinking they will not be caught. Attack on our security staff and or any saps members will not be tolerated by us at all and these criminals will feel the full might of the law very soon and be brought to book.
We have made available from our company’s side a R 10 000.00 reward to anyone who can come forward with any positive information that can lead to the succesful arrest and prosecution of these suspects.
Cas 14/07/2023
Bussines Robbery
Marikana Saps