Gauteng facing shortage of contraceptives
GAUTENG – The shortage was confirmed by Gauteng Health MEC Nomantu Nkomo-Ralehoko in a written reply to questions by the DA’s Jack Bloom in the Gauteng legislature this week. The shortage was between January and March this year. The department had ordered 31 000 implants but only received 2 000 from the supplier. The Subdermal Implanon is a small plastic rod inserted under the skin that releases a synthetic hormone that prevents pregnancy over a 3-year period.
Health spokesperson Motalatale Modiba said all the provinces are receiving the supplies from the same supplier. “The supplier could not meet the demand and only delivered 7000 as of last week. It should be noted that there has not been any reported shortage of other contraceptives. The department is always conducting monthly monitoring of minimum and maximum stock levels,” he added.
Thousands of women in Gauteng lost out on a popular contraceptive device, it is unfortunate that a supplier failure prevented thousands of women from using their preferred long-range contraceptive method. Earlier this year the department faced a shortage of male and female condoms because of long-running supply problems with a national contract.