Operation ‘Vhuthu’ yields great success against crime
POTCHEFSTROOM – Police yielded great success while executing operation Vhuthu hawe from Thursday, 18 May 2023 till Sunday 21 May 2023 and arrested 100 suspects for various crimes.
These high density operations are focused on the priorities set out by the Minister of Police and honed in on the proliferation of illegal firearms, rape (GBVF), tracing of wanted suspects, house breaking and house robberies, damage to essential infrastructure, compliance inspections to second hand goods dealers and visits to liquor outlets in the five districts, namely Frances Baard, ZF Mcgawu, John Taolo Gaetsewe, Pixley Ka Seme and Namakwa.
The disruptive actions executed during the duration of the operations included tracing operations, road blocks, random vehicle check points, compliance inspections to liquor outlets, second hand goods dealers, stop and searches and blue light patrols. Suspects across the province were arrested for crimes including 20 cases of dealing in drugs, several for Assault GBH, Assault Common, Robbery, Burglary Business, Theft from motor vehicle, Malicious Damage to Property, drunkenness, riotous behaviour, Theft General, Possession of Suspected Stolen Property and Undocumented Persons were detained.
The successes saw the confiscation of Crystal Meth (Tik), Mandrax tablets, Dagga, alcohol and dangerous weapons. The weekend’s disruptive actions included 30 roadblocks and vehicle check points during which 4258 persons and 2155 vehicles searched during the stop and searches with the assistance of the Community Police Forums and Community in Blue Patrollers. Numerous fines were issued for traffic offenses, rotious behavior and drinking in public.